We hope you could make this Best Practices live session, but in case you weren't, we're happy to share the VOD to keep you informed. 🙂
Questions from the Q&A we feel are helpful to share with this recording:
Can you see the inventory item linked in the specific control, framework, risk?
Yes, the inventory item can be mapped and hyperlinked in these areas.
If you create a new inventory how do you add a field to select from that new inventory on the control page?
This would be the same process as adding other field types to your control pages. Here is a detailed overview on How to Add or Hide a Field.
Is there a way to bulk create inventory?
Yes, Inventory types and records can be bulk created similar to other areas of the platform that allow for bulk creation of records. More information included at this Help Center article - Visual-Import-Bulk-Create.
Feel free to post any additional questions on this topic in this thread and I'll be sure to make the presenters aware for a response. 👍