Hi everyone! Welcome to the AuditBoard Community. A special place we've carefully curated with customers top of mind. The Community will serve a centralized location for customers to hear product news and find actionable tips for gaining more value from the AuditBoard platform. In addition the Community platform facilitates member connection around impactful content and education aimed at empowering audit, risk, and compliance professionals.
This is a comfortable, conversational space you can relax and be your authentic self. Our Community Values reflect this. Share as little or as much about yourself as you'd like. It's totally up to you if you want to keep it professional or tell us in-depth about each of your six cats. Heck, I might have to share everything about each of my nine birds if that's the case. 🙂
As a customer, AuditBoard offers you unparalleled support in the Help Center, AuditBoard Academy offers product courses, past webinars, and CPE credits, and insightful blogs from experts that range each of your fields. With the launch of Community we're offering yet another resource, one that's open anytime you need it - especially when you need a little boost.
Once you log in, you'll find a discussion board for each product and a few community-specific areas. In time, I plan on adding connections to our support center so you can submit and view tickets directly from the Community (if you are unable to find the help you need)—a connection to AuditBoard Academy where you can browse past webinars or take advantage of self-paced training. Eventually, we can even co-create groups based on location, industry, interest, or product. As I get to know you all better, we can continue adding more value, creating rich, vibrant spaces you can be proud of. I consider it my purpose to give you the whole AuditBoard world on a platter because you're our most precious resource and deserve it. ❤️
So, if I may, I'm extending a personal invitation for you to join us. Lend your expertise to others, learn a few new things from people who are also using our products. Help lead the way for audit, risk, and compliance professionals to come by creating a resource everyone can take advantage of. If you see something that doesn't exist yet, let me know. I'd love to hear from you; it's the only way I can understand what is important to you and make it happen.
Welcome to our shared journey. I can't wait to see where we go together. 🙂
Janice James
Head of Community, AuditBoard