Welcome to the AuditBoard Community, where everything Audit, Risk, and Compliance is celebrated. The Community team wants to ensure you have everything you need to get started.
Below, find a few helpful FAQs to help.
How do I view posts I’ve already created?
Can I message another user? How do I do that?
- 100%! All you have to do is click on the customer profile’s name. This will open up a new tab. You will now see their profile page. On the top right of your page, you will see a button that says Send a Message (see image). By selecting this you will have the ability to craft a message to connect with other users.
How do I check my messages?
- To check your messages, navigate to the top right corner of your Community site. You will see a bell, an envelope, and your Community profile avatar. Click on the envelope icon to view your most recent messages. [See image]
How do I submit feedback to the AuditBoard Community Team?
- We always welcome feedback, thoughts, and comments from users of the Community. Please email community@auditboard.com and we’d be happy to connect with you and learn more on how we can better support.
In addition to discussions threads and ideas on Community, are there other programs I can join?